M.I.A Again

Sorry Sorry Sorry
I know I've been missing in action again. Not Acceptable PA. I know I am incredibly late.

But, I wanted to post how funny as shit the Oscars were on Sunday. From the amazing Ellen (who had me dying the entire show)
To the Oscar winners long ass acceptance speeches. (The best was that couple that won somethings best from Frozen. It rhymed, I was not expecting to see that when I turned on the Oscars at 6.) But it was great.
The terrible yet impeccable presenters and how many people messed up celebs names. (That was great 'sarcasm here') (We all know what happened there. I will not post a pic for that lol)

And the best - funniest - part of the entire Oscar show was when Steve McQueen finished his acceptance speech and hugged this lady here
right before here
(And clearly I was the only person that saw this.) But right after he hugged her, she tried to kiss me. Him being so enraptured in his celebration he didn't notice he almost punched her, and her reaching out for him almost fell on her face. That is how her arms ended up there ^. LOL She was catching herself from cracking her skull - in front of everyone. 
Pizza (Yes this was all the buzz Monday) 
Everyone wanted to be the delivery boy that walked away with a thousand dollar tip. 
I still don't know what this was about - only that she was happy. Happy and Loud. 
And this was the best part. Don't they all look happy to be famous. Shutting down twitter and all. 
Who retweeted????? 

Good Job Ellen You rocked. Come back next year. Gravity Stop hogging all the attention, and if you're going to take majority of the awards home. The least you can do is give best actress to my FAV actress Sandra Bullock. (AH, Love her)

Love Life's Loves PA


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